The baseline GE Digital APM database includes the Reliability Growth report, which you can use to view the summary of the results of a Reliability Growth Analysis.
The Reliability Growth Report is built from the following Catalog items:
Throughout this documentation, we refer to the main report, the subreports, and the supporting query collectively as the Reliability Growth report.
The Reliability Growth report contains a prompt on the ENTY_KEY field in the Reliability Growth family. When you run the Reliability Growth Report while viewing a Reliability Growth Analysis, the ENTY_KEY of the Reliability Growth record associated with the current analysis is passed automatically to the prompt, and the results for the current Reliability Growth Analysis are displayed. If you run the main report (i.e., GrowthAnalysisReport) or the supporting query (i.e., GrowthAnalysisQuery) directly from the Catalog, however, you will need to supply the ENTY_KEY of a Reliability Growth record manually to retrieve results. The subreports (i.e., Catalog items AssetsubreportGrowth and FailuresubreportGrowth) cannot be run directly from the Catalog.
The Analysis Summary section of the Reliability Growth Analysis report displays information that is stored in the Reliability Growth record and the Growth Model record that is linked to the Reliability Growth record. The Analysis Summary section will look different depending on whether or not your analysis data is event-based and the value you enter in the Measurement Name box. Also, the values in the Analysis Summary section will come from different fields in the Reliability Growth and Growth Model records, depending on whether the analysis is based on dates or cumulative operating time.
The following table lists each item in the Analysis Summary section for an analysis based on dates that contains event-based data and the corresponding Reliability Growth or Growth Model record field whose data is displayed in the report.
Report Item | Reliability Growth or Growth Model record | Record field |
Analysis Name | Reliability Growth | Analysis ID |
Analysis Description | Reliability Growth | Short Description |
Analysis Start | Reliability Growth |
Analysis Start Date Note: If the analysis is based on cumulative operating time, the report will used the value in the Analysis Start Time field. |
Analysis End | Reliability Growth |
Analysis End Date Note: If the analysis is based on cumulative operating time, the report will use the value in the Analysis End Time field. |
Number of Assets | Reliability Growth | Assets |
Total<Measurement> | Growth Model | Number of Failures |
Time Units | Reliability Growth | Time Units |
Observation Time |
Growth Model Reliability Growth |
Total Observation Time Time Units |
Initial MTBF | Reliability Growth |
Initial MTBF Time Units |
Final MTBF | Reliability Growth |
Final MTBF Time Units |
Next Estimated Event Date | Reliability Growth |
TTNF Time Units |
Use Confidence | Reliability Growth | Use Confidence |
Confidence | Reliability Growth | Confidence Level |
Last Modified | Reliability Growth | LAST UPDT DT |
Modified By | Reliability Growth |
LAST UPBY SEUS KEY Note: The name of the Security User associated with this value is displayed in the report. |
The Analysis Summary section for an analysis that is not event-based will appear mostly the same as the Analysis Summary section for an analysis that is event-based, with the following exceptions.
Note: Although the values used in the report are stored in Reliability Growth or Growth Model records, the report contains additional logic in order to display the values in this format. In other words, the values in the records are not in the exact form in which they appear in the report.
The Growth Model Segments section of the Reliability Growth report displays information that is stored in the Reliability Growth record and the Growth Model record that is linked to the Reliability Growth record. The Growth Model Segments section will look different depending on whether the analysis is based on dates or cumulative operating time.
The following table lists each item in the Growth Model Segments section for an analysis based on dates and the corresponding Reliability Growth or Growth Model record field whose data is displayed in the report.
Report Item | Reliability Growth or Growth Model record | Record field |
Segment | Growth Model | Sequence |
Start Date | Growth Model | Model Start Date |
End Date | Reliability Growth | Analysis End Date |
Termination Type)
Reliability Growth |
Is Grouped Data Time Terminated Note: If the value in the Is Grouped Data field is True, the Termination Type is Grouped-Data. If the value is False, the Termination Type depends on the value in the Time Terminated field. If the value in the Time Terminated field is False, the Termination Type is Event-Based. If the value in this field is True, the Termination Type is Time-Based. |
Beta | Growth Model | Beta |
Lambda | Growth Model | Lambda |
Statistic | Growth Model | GOF Statistic |
Critical Value | Growth Model |
GOF P-Value |
Passed | Growth Model |
Passed GOF |
The Growth Model Segments section for an analysis that contains cumulative operating time will appear mostly the same as the Growth Model Segments section for an analysis that contains dates, with the following exceptions.
The Growth Model Segments section will display the following fields.
Report Item | Reliability Growth or Growth Model record | Record field |
Start Time | Reliability Growth | Analysis Start Time |
End Time | Reliability Growth | Analysis End Time |
The Assets section of the Reliability Growth report displays values that are stored in the Failures field in the Reliability Growth record. The Assets section will look different depending on whether the analysis is based on dates or cumulative operating time.
The following columns in the Assets section contain data that is stored in the Failures field in the Reliability Growth record:
Installation Date
Note: The Installation Date column appears only for analyses based on dates.
The <Measurement> Data section of the Reliability Growth report displays information that is stored in the Failures field of the Reliability Growth record. The <Measurement> Data section will look different depending on whether the analysis is based on dates or cumulative operating time. It will also look different depending on the value you enter in the Measurement Name box.
The following columns in the <Measurement> Data section contain data that is stored in the Failures field in the Reliability Growth record:
Note: The Time column appears only for analyses based on dates.
Note: The Downtime column appears only for analyses based on dates.
Note: The COT column appears only for analyses based on cumulative operating time.
The Plots section of the Reliability Growth report displays the graphs that are accessed via the Reliability Growth page.
The Plots section contains the following graphs:
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