A Growth Model record stores information about the Reliability Growth model used to develop a Reliability Growth Analysis. The following table provides an alphabetical list and description of the fields that exist for the Growth Model family, which appear by default on the Growth Model datasheet. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields.
This family is enabled for site filtering, which means that records in this family can be assigned to a specific site, and will then only be accessible to users who are assigned to the same site and have the appropriate license and family privileges. See the Site Filtering section of the documentation for more information on using this feature.
Field Caption | Data Type | Description | Behavior and Usage |
Analysis ID | Character | The name of the Reliability Growth Analysis. | This field is populated with the value in the Analysis ID field of the Reliability Growth record to which the Growth Model is linked. |
Beta | Number | A value that represents the slope of the Cumulative Failures plot. | This feld is populated with the Beta value calculated by the GE Digital APM system. The Beta value indicates whether the MTBF is increasing, decreasing, or remaining constant. |
GOF Critical Value | Number | The value used to determine whether the analysis passed the goodness of fit (GOF) test. | This value is calculated by the GE Digital APM system. If the value in this field is greater than the value in the GOF Statistic field, the Passed GOF field is set to True. |
GOF Statistic | Number | A value that demonstrates the preciseness of fit. | This value is calculated by the GE Digital APM system. If the value in this field is less than the value in the GOF Critical Value field, the Passed GOF field is set to True. |
Lambda | Number | The scale parameter that equals the Y-intercept of the Cumulative Failures Plot at time t =1. | This field is populated with the value calculated by the GE Digital APM system. |
Model Start Date | Date | The date the model was started. | This field is populated with the start date of the segment. |
Number of Failures | Number | The total number of failures in the dataset used to calculate the growth model. | This field is populated with the total number of failures in the Failure Data grid. |
Offset | Number | The operating time offset for this model relative to the beginning of the analysis. | If there beginning operating time and the beginning observation time are the same, this field will be populated with 0. If there is a difference, this field will be populated with the difference between beginning operating time and beginning observation time. |
Passed GOF | Logical | Indicates whether the model passed the Goodness-of-Fit test or not. | The analysis passes the GOF test when the value in the GOF Statistic field is less than the value in the GOF Critical Value field. |
Sequence | Number | The chronological order of this model in the analysis. | This field is populated with the segment number that corresponds to the Growth Model record. If there is only one segment, this field is populated automatically with 1 (None). |
Time Terminated | Logical | Indicates if the end date of the model is time-based. | If this field is set to True, then the end of the model is time-based. Otherwise, the end of the model is failure-based. |
Total Observation Time | Number | The total amount of time that the equipment is in operation during the specified analysis period. | This field is populated automatically with the total operating time calculated from your dataset. This value appears in the Analysis Period section of the Reliability Growth page and is the t value in the AMSAA Reliability Growth Model. |
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