A Production Analysis record stores information about an analysis used to determine the reliability of a production process. The following table provides an alphabetical list and description of the fields that exist for the Production Analysis family. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields. This list is not comprehensive.
This family is enabled for site filtering, which means that records in this family can be assigned to a specific site, and will then only be accessible to users who are assigned to the same site and have the appropriate license and family privileges. See the Site Filtering section of the documentation for more information on using this feature.
Field Caption | Data Type | Description | Behavior and Usage |
Analysis End Date | Date | The last date that production output is measured for the analysis. |
This field is populated with the latest date in your dataset in the field defined in the Production Date list on the Select Production Fields screen of the Production Analysis Builder. This field is labeled End Date on the datasheet. hidden |
Analysis Name | Character | The name of the Production Analysis. |
This value is populated with the value that you type in the Analysis Name box when you save or rename the Production Analysis. This field is labeled Analysis ID on the datasheet. |
Analysis Start Date | Date | The first date that production output is measured for the analysis. |
This field is populated with the earliest date in your dataset in the field defined in the Production Date list on the Select Production Fields screen of the Production Analysis Builder. This field is labeled Start Date on the datasheet. |
Analysis Type | Character | The type of analysis being conducted. | This field is populated with the value Production Analysis. You can modify this value to something more specific. |
Description | Description | A text field that stores any additional information about the analysis. | You can define this value by entering text manually. |
Ignored Points | Number | The number of datapoints that were ignored because they would inaccurately skew the Reliability Loss calculations. | This field is populated with the number of points that have been ignored via the Point Tooltip window. |
Margin Unit | Number | The unit, or currency, of the cost associated with the calculated production losses. |
This field is set to $ by default. Alternatively, you can change the margin units via the Set Unit Of Measure window. This field is labeled Margin Value Unit on the datasheet. |
Margin Value | Number | The value by which the GE Digital APM system will multiply the Production Loss to determine the cost. For example, if production was lost for 10 cases of bottles, and a production loss for one case costs 10 dollars, the Margin Value would be 10. Production Loss (10 cases) x Margin Value ($10) = a cost of $100. | This field is populated with the value 1 by default. Alternatively, you can change the margin value via the Set Margin window. |
Minimum Production Output | Number | The minimum production value, or the value that is to replace data that cannot be plotted (i.e., zero or negative output values). If your data contains zeros or negative values, they will be replaced with the minimum production value. | If your dataset contains zeros or negative values, this field is populated automatically with the minimum production value you chose when you created the analysis. Alternatively, you can change the minimum production value via the Set Minimum Production Output. |
Pro Reliability | Number | The percentage of time in the Analysis Period that the process is reliable. For example, if the Pro Reliability value is 65%, the process would be reliable 65% of the time. |
This field is populated with the value of the Process Reliability line that you define on the Production Analysis plot. |
Production Date | Date | The date on which the production output value was recorded. If you have a date field within your query or dataset and you choose not to map it to the Production Analysis Builder, you can see the dates used to build the analysis in the Production Analysis Points Editor window. | This field is optional. |
Production Output | Number | Values representing the amount of output produced by the unit during the specified period of time (e.g., hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly). | This field is required. You can define the units of measure for the output values after you create the analysis. |
Total Points | Number | The total number of datapoints in the analysis. | This field is populated with the number of points in the dataset that you defined when creating the analysis. |
Unit ID | Character | The name of the unit on which the analysis is being performed. | This field is populated with values from your dataset in the field defined in the Unit ID list on the Select Product Fields screen of the Production Analysis Builder. |
Unit Of Measure | Character | The units of production output (e.g., barrels). | This value will be populated with the value you define in the Set Unit Of Measure window. This value will be the basis for the units along the x-axis in the Production Analysis plot and in the Production Loss Regions pane. |
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