This topic describes how to include or exclude a field in the SQL code for a Select query.
When you create a query, all the fields that you added are selected by default to be included in the SQL code. In some cases, you might want to add a field to the grid in the Conditions section so that you can define criteria for that field without including it in the SQL code.
For example, you might want to configure a query that returns all Pumps installed on a certain date. You could add the Pump ID field and the Asset Installation Date to the query, define criteria to limit the Asset Installation Date to a certain date, and then exclude the Asset Installation Date. This would increase performance and still return the records you are interested in viewing.
For the field that you do not want to include in the SQL code, in the Include cell, clear the check box.
When you run the query, the field will not appear in the results.
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