There are two sections on the Expression Builder window: the Simple section and the Advanced section. The steps that you follow to create an expression on a field depend on which cell that you select in the grid in the Conditions section, and which type of expression you want to create.
In the grid in the Conditions section, for the field on which you want to create the expression, in either the Criteria cell or the Or cell, select the button in the right side of the cell.
The Simple section of the Expression Builder window appears.
Select Done.
The Expression Builder window closes, and in the grid in the Conditions section, <expr> appears in the field on which you created the expression. You can modify the expression directly in the Advanced section of the Expression Builder window.
In the grid in the Missing variable reference section, in the appropriate Field, Criteria, or Or cell, select the gray button in the right side of the cell. If the Simple section is currently displayed, then select Advanced.
The Advanced section of the Expression Builder window appears.
Select Done.
The Expression Builder window closes, and in the grid in the Conditions section, <expr> appears in the field on which you created the expression.
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