Uninstall the ASI ABAP Base Service Pack Add-On

If you are upgrading from one version of the ABAP service pack add-on to a newer version, you will need to uninstall the currently installed service pack.

Note: The uninstall feature is available only in SAP versions S/4 Hana 1511 and later. To complete these steps, you must use SAP client 000.


  1. Log in to the SAP server as a user with either SCTSIMPSGL and S_CTS_ADMIN authorizations or SAP_ALL authorization.
  2. Enter SAINT.

    The Add-On Installation Tool screen appears.

  3. Select the Uninstallable components tab.

    MIAPM appears in the list of add-on packages that can be uninstalled.

  4. Select MIAPM, and then select Continue.

    The Start options dialog box appears.

  5. Select Default options.
  6. Select .

    The status is updated to indicate that the add-on package will now be imported and the uninstallation process continues. When the process completes, the status is updated to show that the add-on package was removed successfully.

  7. Select Finish.


The MIAPM add-on package is removed from the list of installed add-on packages in the Add-On Installation Tool screen.

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