The following table displays the calculations that are used in Work History cube in the Metrics and Scorecards module.
Metric |
Definitions |
Metric Calculation |
Units |
Asset Count | Asset Count is the count of equipment or functional locations | Count of Equipment or Count of Functional Locations | Number |
Average Corrective Work Cost | Average Corrective Work Cost is a financial indicator of the effort required to repair failing or failed assets expressed in dollars. This metric is determined by dividing the total corrective work costs related to an asset (or category, class, type or model of assets) for a given period by the number of events in that period. | Corrective Work Cost / Corrective Work Count | U.S. Dollars |
CAMA% (Critical Asset Mechanical Availability Percentage) | The Critical Asset Mechanical Availability is an indicator of the time that a critical asset is available for service or can perform its intended function. This metric is a measurement of the time that a critical asset is available to perform its intended function. The calculation is expressed as a percentage of the total time under review. | 1-CAMU% | Percentage |
CAMD (Critical Asset Mechanical Downtime) | The Critical Asset Mechanical Downtime metric is an indicator of the days that a critical asset is unavailable for service; the time it is shutdown. This metric is expressed in total shutdown days. The calculation is expressed as the cumulative days of downtime under review. | Total Mechanical Downtime For Critical Assets / Critical Asset Count | Days |
CAMU% (Critical Asset Mechanical Unavailability Percentage) | The Critical Asset Mechanical Unavailability metric is an indicator of the percentage of time that a critical asset is unavailable for service, or cannot perform its intended function. This metric is expressed in a percentage of the total time. The calculation is expressed as a percentage of the total time under review. | CAMD / Number of Days in Time Range | Percentage |
Corrective Work Count | Count of events which can be classified as corrective work | Count of events which can be classified as corrective work | Number |
Corrective Work Count % | The Corrective Work Count % is a numeric indicator of the number of corrective failure events as a percentage of the total work experienced by a maintenance group. | Corrective Work Count / Count of non-miscellaneous work | Percentage |
Corrective Work Cost | The Corrective Work Costs are financial indicators of the effort required to repair failing or failed equipment. The calculation is expressed in dollars. | Total Maintenance Cost for All Corrective Work | U.S. Dollars |
Corrective Work Cost % | Corrective Work Cost / Maintenance Cost for non-miscellaneous work | Corrective Work Cost / Maintenance Cost for non-miscellaneous work | Percentage |
Critical Asset Count | Count of Assets with High Criticality | Count of Assets with High Criticality | Number |
Event Count Non Misc | Count of non-miscellaneous events | Count of non-miscellaneous events | Days |
Failure Event Count | Count of Event where Breakdown is equal to True | Count of Event where Breakdown is equal to True | Number |
Failure Rate (FPMH) | Failure Rate is a numeric indicator of the frequency at which an asset fail for selected equipment types. This metric provides information on the expected failure per million hours of operational time. | 1000000 / (MTBF x 24) | Number of failures per million hours |
Maintenance Cost Non Misc | Maintenance cost for all the non miscellaneous work | Maintenance cost for all the non miscellaneous work | U.S. Dollars |
MTBF(Days) (Mean time between Failures) |
The Mean time Between Failure (MTBF) is a numeric indicator of the average operating time between failures that are repaired for selected equipment types (assumes instant repairs). This metric is used to trend the time that assets are available for service. An increase in MTBF indicates improved asset reliability. SMRP Definition: Mean Time Between Failures is the average operating time between failures for an asset or component, where the failure means that an asset is unable to perform its required function. In GE Digital APM, a failure is indicated when the breakdown indicator is set to True. |
(Asset Count x Total Calendar Time in Days) / (Failure Event Count) | Days |
MTBR(Days) (Mean Time Between Repairs) | Mean Time Between Repairs (MTBR) is a numeric indicator of the average time between the completion of one repair to the beginning of the next. The MTBR addresses the time that an asset is not involved in a repair cycle. This metric is a numeric indicator of the average time between the completion of one repair to the beginning of the next. | (Asset Count x Total Calendar Time in Days) / (Corrective Work Count) | Days |
Preventative Maintenance Effectiveness % | This metric indicates predictive maintenance effectiveness relating to the work generated by PdM programs. This metric is a useful measure of result generated from predictive activities, so the customers who include a Detection Method field in their data will be able to take advantage of it. In addition, if the work request references another work order of type PM or PdM, then we can calculate the PM effectiveness. The Preventative Maintenance Effectiveness metric is an indicator of the percentage of proactive work that is generated because of PM/PdM programs. Effective programs detect potential failures or degraded performance before plant operations are negatively affected. | Repair Count with PM or PdM detection / Corrective Work Count | Percentage |
PM Effectiveness% |
This metric indicates predictive maintenance effectiveness relating to the work generated by PdM programs. This metric is a very useful measure of results created from predictive activities, so those customers who include a Detection Method field in their data will be able to take advantage of it. In addition, if the work request references another work order of type PM or PdM then you can calculate the PM effectiveness. The Preventative Maintenance Effectiveness metric is an indicator of the percentage of proactive work that is generated because of PM/PdM programs. Effective programs detect potential failures or degraded performance before plant operations are negatively affected. |
(Repair Count with PM/PdM Detection) / (Corrective Work Count) | |
Proactive Work Cost | Total Maintenance Cost for All Proactive Work | Total Maintenance Cost for All Proactive Work | U.S. Dollars |
Proactive Work Cost % | The Proactive Work Cost % is a numeric indicator of the cost associated with proactive work events as a percentage of the total. | Proactive Work Cost / Maintenance Cost for non-miscellaneous work | Percentage |
Proactive Work Count | Proactive work is maintenance work that is completed to avoid failures or to identify defects that could lead to failures. It includes routine preventive and predictive maintenance activities and work tasks identified from them. As maintenance groups prefers reliability, this percentage should rise. In organizations, proactive work will include the majority of plant repairs. All the organizations might not have notifications for predictive for preventive work, but will create preventive work orders from the preventive maintenance plan. Therefore, you need to compare the cost on the work orders. | Count of events which can be classified as Proactive Work | Number |
Proactive Work Count % | The Proactive Work Count % is a numeric indicator of the number of proactive work events as a percentage of the total. This metric calculates a percentage of the PdM and PM events as a percentage of the total work. | Proactive Work Count / Count of non-miscellaneous work | Percentage |
Reactive Work Cost | Reactive work is maintenance work or emergency work orders that occurs in the weekly schedule. Reactive work cost is calculated using the priority on the work order. Any order type except for miscellaneous can be included in this calculation. | Total Maintenance Cost for all Reactive Work | U.S. Dollars |
Reactive Work Cost % | The Reactive Work Cost% is a numeric indicator of the costs associated with the reactive work experienced by a maintenance group. This calculation is expressed as a percentage of the work. | Reactive Work Cost / Maintenance Cost for Non-Miscellaneous Work | Percentage |
Reactive Work Count | Reactive work is maintenance work or emergency work orders that occurs in the weekly schedule. Reactive work cost is calculated using the priority on the work order. Any order type except for miscellaneous can be included in this calculation. | Count of events which can be classified as Reactive Work | Number |
Reactive Work Count % | The Reactive Work Count % is a numeric indicator of the costs associated with the reactive work taken by a maintenance group. This calculation is expressed as a percentage of the total work. | Reactive Work Count / Count of Non-Miscellaneous Work | Percentage |
Repair Cost with PM/PdM Detection | Total Maintenance Cost for Corrective Work with PM/PdM detection. | Total Maintenance Cost for Corrective Work with PM/PdM detection. | U.S. Dollars |
Repair Count with PM/PdM Detection | Count of Repair Events with PM/PdM Detection | Count of Repair Events with PM/PdM Detection | Number |
Total Mechanical Downtime for Critical Assets | Sum of Mechanical Downtime for Critical Assets | Sum of Mechanical Downtime for Critical Assets | Days |
Note: The Site dimension in the Work History cube will display only the data for the site to which the user is assigned.
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