Modify a Map Query


  1. Access the Maps page.
  2. In the row for the query that you want to modify, select the link in the Source Query column.

    On a new page, the selected query appears.

  3. Using the Design or SQL workspace, modify the query as needed.

    Note: Consult the Map Query Workflow for additional steps that can be used to modify the Map query.

    Note: Depending on the regular expressions used, some queries may only be modified in the SQL view.
  4. If you want to overwrite the currently selected query, then select .

    IMPORTANT: Selecting this option overwrites the currently selected Map query.


    If you want to save the query as a new Catalog item, then select . Then, on the window that appears, navigate to the folder in which you want to save the file, and then select Save.

    The modified Map query is saved.

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