Delete a Checklist


  1. Access the Change Project with which the Checklist you want to delete is associated.
  2. In the left pane, select the Checklists tab.

    A list of Checklists associated with the Change Project appears.

    Checklist Workspace

  3. In the row for each Checklist that you want to delete, select the check box.

    In the upper-right corner of the workspace, the button is enabled.

  4. Select .

    The Delete Checklist dialog box appears, asking you to confirm that you want to delete each selected Checklist.

    Note: When you delete a Checklist, the Questions associated with the Checklist, the Answer Options, the Exceptions associated with the Answer Options, and the Tasks associated with the Exceptions are also deleted.

  5. Select OK.

    Each selected Checklist is deleted.

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