Overview Queries Folder

The Catalog folder \\Public\Meridium\Modules\Inspection\Overview Queries contains queries that are used on the following pages:

The following table provides a list of queries that are used on the Inspection Management Overview page for the selected hierarchy level, along with a list of required fields and their alias names for each query.

IMPORTANT: Do not remove the required fields from a query. If you do so, you cannot run the query.

Query Name Behavior and Usage Required Fields
All Inspection Assets for Unit Returns a list of assets with at least one Inspection or Inspection Task in the selected unit or underlying assets. This query is used to display results in the grid in the Inspection Assets section. None
All Inspections for Unit

Returns a list of Inspections performed on the selected Functional Location. This query is used to display results in the All Inspections for This Location subsection in the Underlying Inspections section.

  • ENTY_KEY (Alias Name: Inspection Entity Key)
  • ENTY_ID (Alias Name: Inspection ID)
All Inspections for Unit and Below Returns the count of Inspections performed on the selected Functional Location or underlying assets. None
All Inspection Assets with Inspection Or Task for Unit Returns a list of assets with at least one Inspection or Inspection Task. This query is used by the All Inspection Assets for Unit query. None
All Tasks for This Unit Returns a list of Inspection Tasks performed on the selected asset hierarchy level. A column with a Create Inspection hyperlink appears if you have enabled it in the Design workspace. ENTY_KEY (Alias Name: ENTY_KEY0)
All Tasks for Unit Returns all Inspection Tasks performed on the assets in the unit. A column with a Create Inspection hyperlink appears if you have enabled it in the Design workspace.

ENTY_KEY (Alias Name: ENTY_KEY0)

Count of Task Types due Within the Year Returns the number of Task Types that are due within the calendar year. This query is used in the graph in the TASK TYPES COMING DUE WITHIN THE YEAR section. None
Inspection Overview Parameters Returns the parameters used to navigate through the Asset Hierarchy. All fields in the query
My Open Inspections

Returns a list of open Inspections assigned to you. This query is used to display results in the My Open Inspections subsection in the Underlying Inspections section.

  • ENTY_KEY (Alias Name: Inspection Entity Key)
  • ENTY_ID (Alias Name: Inspection ID)
Open Inspection Recommendations by Asset Returns the number of open Inspection Recommendations for each asset contained within the unit. This query is used in the graph in the OPEN INSPECTION RECOMMENDATIONS BY ASSET section. None
Open Inspections for Unit

Returns a list of open Inspections for Equipment or Functional Locations contained within the unit. This query is used to display results in the Underlying Open Inspections subsection in the Underlying Inspections section.

  • ENTY_KEY (Alias Name: Inspection Entity Key)
  • ENTY_ID (Alias Name: Inspection ID)
Open Recommendations for Asset

Returns a list of Inspection Recommendations for the given asset. This query is used to display results in the All Recommendations for this Location subsection in the Overdue Recommendations section.

Open Inspection Recommendations for Unit Returns a list of open Inspection Recommendations for assets within the unit. This query is used to display results in the Underlying Open Recommendations subsection in the Overdue Recommendations section. None
Overdue Inspection Recommendations for Unit Returns a list of Inspection Recommendations that are overdue and associated with the Equipment and Functional Locations in the unit. This query is used to display results in the Overdue Recommendations subsection in the Overdue Recommendations section. None
Overdue Tasks for Unit

Returns a list of Inspection Tasks that are overdue and associated with the Equipment or Functional Locations in the unit. This query is used to display results in the Overdue Tasks subsection in the Inspection Tasks subsection.

ENTY_KEY (Alias Name: ENTY_KEY0)

Top-Level Work Packs Returns a list of top-level Work Packs in GE Digital APM. This query is used to display results in the Work Packs section. Work Pack ID (Alias Name: Work Pack ID)

The following table provides a list of queries that are used on the Inspection Management Overview page for the selected asset.

Query Name Behavior and Usage
All Inspections for Asset Returns a list of Inspections performed on the selected asset. This query is used to display results in the Inspections section.
All Tasks for Asset Returns a list of Inspection Tasks for the selected asset. This query is used to display results in the Inspection Tasks section. A column with a Create Inspection hyperlink appears if you have enabled it in the Design workspace.
Open Recommendations for Asset

Returns a list of Inspection Recommendations and RBI Recommendations for the given asset. This query is used to display results in the Recommendations section.

Top-Level Work Packs Returns a list of top-level Work Packs in GE Digital APM. This query is used to display results in the Work Packs section.

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