About Fields that can be Populated from one of the Three Related Records
When you create a Primary Event record, you will specify, in the Unit ID field, the Unit ID of the GAA Unit record to which the Event record will be linked. When you save the Primary Event record, the GE Digital APM system will attempt to populate various fields in the Event record with values based on the Unit ID value. These values will not necessarily come directly from the GAA Unit record itself.
First, the GE Digital APM system will attempt to populate each field with the corresponding value in the Performance record that is linked to the specified GAA Unit record for the month in which the event occurred.
If the associated Performance record does not exist or does not contain a value in a given field, the GE Digital APM system will attempt to populate the field with the corresponding value in the GAA Unit record.
If the GAA Unit record does not contain a value in a given field, that field will not be populated automatically.
Note that:
These fields are populated automatically only when a Primary Event record is first created. After the record exists, the Unit ID field is disabled. Since this value cannot be modified, these fields will never be updated automatically.
Fields in new Contributing Event records are populated using these same rules. In other words, fields in Contributing Event records will not necessarily be populated with the same values that exist in the Primary Event record. Instead, they will be populated with the values that exist in the Performance and GAA Unit record at the time the Contributing Event record is created.
The following tables provides a list of fields in Event records that are populated in this way and specifies the corresponding fields in Performance and GAA Unit records that will be used to populate them.