Specify Conversions Between Units of Measurement

Note: In the following instructions, we use the term From Value to mean the UOM from which a value is being converted and To Value to mean the UOM to which a value is being converted.


  1. Access the Units of Measure and Conversion Set page.
  2. Select Units of Measure.

    The Units of Measure workspace appears, displaying the list of existing units of measures.

  3. Select the measure for which you want to specify conversions, and then select Conversions

    The Conversions for <Label> page appears, where <Label> is the name of the unit of measure.

    Unit of Measures Conversions

  4. Select .

    The New Conversion window appears.

  5. As needed, enter the values in the following fields:

  6. Select OK.

    The new conversion is added to the list and appear in the Conversions for <Label> page.

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