In Configuration Manager, you can perform a wide range of tasks related to how data will be stored in the GE Digital APM database and displayed in GE Digital APM.
Depending on your role as an administrative user and where you are in your implementation process, you may need to perform all or only some of the tasks that can be completed in the Configuration Manager. Additionally, some Configuration Manager tasks need to be performed once or very rarely, usually when you first set up your system, while others need to be performed periodically over the life of your system, either to support upgrades or to fine-tune your existing system.
Whatever your role is and wherever you are in the process of setting up your system, a general understanding of the Configuration Manager's features and how they relate to one another will help you decide how and when to leverage the Configuration Manager functionality to set up and maintain your system. The following list provides an overview of the tasks that you can perform in the Configuration Manager.
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