Associate Reports to a Family

Using the Configuration Manager, you can associate reports to a family. The reports associated with the family appears on the Family Reports section. However, the latest report always appear first in the list.


  1. Access the Family Report section.
  2. On the Family Reports section, select .

    The Select Report to Link window appears, where you can search for the report and link the report to a family.

    Search Reports window

  3. To search for a report:
    1. In the Search for items named box, enter the name of the report that you want to link.
    2. In the In folders(s) box, select .

      The Catalog Folder Browser window appears.

    3. Navigate to the folder that contains the report, select the folder, and then select Done.

      The path of the folder appears in the In folder(s) box.

    4. In the Of type box, select the type of report that you want to link.

    5. If you want to search for the report in the sub folders, select Include sub folders.
    6. Select Search.

      The Results section displays the list of reports based on the search criteria.

    7. Select the report, and then select Open.

      The Family Reports section appears, displaying the name of the report.

  4. Select .

    The report is associated to the family. If required, you can mark the report as default for the family.

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