About System Fields

In addition to the fields that you define manually for each family, each record that you create will also contain system fields.

System fields:

The following table provides a list and description of the system fields that exist for every record.

Field ID Description Behavior or Usage
CONTENT_GUID A global unique identifier that uniquely identifies a record across all databases. This field is populated automatically with a system-generated value when a record is instantiated (i.e., when you initiate the record-creation process). Note that if you include this field in a query, when you run the query, values will not be displayed in the CONTENT_GUID column.
ENTY_CAPTION_TX A field that stores a copy of the Record ID. This field is updated when the ENTY_ID field is updated.
ENTY_ID A value that uniquely identifies a record within a given database. This field is populated automatically with a system-generated value the first time a record is saved. The ENTY_KEY field is widely using within URLs to provide a means for giving you direct access to the information associated with a specific entity.
FMLY_KEY A value that identifies the family to which a record belongs. This field is populated automatically when a record is first saved with the unique key value that identifies a family within a database.
LAST_UPBY_SEUS_KEY A value that identifies the user who last updated the record. This field is updated automatically whenever a record is modified.
LAST_UPDT_DT A value that identifies the date that a record was last updated. This field is updated automatically whenever a record is modified.
LOCK_SEQ_NBR A value is internally by the GE Digital APM system to indicate how many times a record has been modified. This field is updated every time a record is modified.

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