About Families Managed by Product Modules

Baseline entity families can be delivered with their Family Is Managed By Product Module property set to True such that records in that family can be managed using only the module that the family supports.

The Family Managed by Product Modules functionality determines how a record for family will be launched from (search). If there is a specific route assigned, each time a record in that family is opened from Search, it will use that route to open the record in the specified route. For example, if you have specified a route as #aca/analysis/[ENTY_KEY] in the Asset Criticality Analysis family, the record selected from the search results will always be routed to the specified route, i.e, #aca/analysis/[ENTY_KEY].

If you have specified the route to a datasheet in the family and you access the datasheet through search, then the following links and buttons that appear on the datasheet will be active:

Baseline families that are delivered with this property setting exist to support specific modules.

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