About Action Indicators

Depending on the type of data you export, the export file may contain one or more action indicators. In a Microsoft Excel file, the action indicators appear in the ACTION_INDICATORS column. In an XML file, action indicators appear within the ACTION_INDICATORS tag.

Action indicators tell the GE Digital APM system what action to take when metadata is imported. When you export metadata, any item that requires an action indicator for an import will be assigned a default value. The value will used only when the metadata is imported back into GE Digital APM. If you want to change the default action, you can modify the value in the export file before importing the data into GE Digital APM.

If the ACTION_INDICATOR tag or column contains only one value, that value applies to the entire item. If the ACTION_INDICATOR tag or column contains more than one value, then each value corresponds to each property (column or tag) associated with that item.

For example, in the following example, the figure shows a portion of an export spreadsheet created from exporting query. The ACTION_INDICATORS column contains nine values as IU. The first value specifies the action to take on the property in the first column (QUERY_ID). The second value specifies the action to take on the property in the second column (QUERY_CAPTION), and so on. Similarly, in the XML file, the ACTION_INDICATORS tag would also contain nine values, each of which would correspond to a specific item property.

Action Indicators

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