Asset Strategy Management (ASM) Workflow

This workflow provides the basic, high-level steps for using this module. The steps and links in this workflow do not necessarily reference every possible procedure. For more procedures, see the links in the Related Information section.

  1. Evaluate asset risk and performance, which allows you to identify and quantify unmitigated risks. These evaluations will help you define how your current maintenance plans mitigate risks, identify gaps in your mitigation plans, and define the regulatory actions that are needed.
  2. Mitigate risks with an action, which allows you to assess and document what is currently being done to mitigate risk as well as identify additional actions to mitigate risk.

  3. Optimize mitigations, which allows you to review your current mitigation plan for areas that need to be improved, removed, or replaced.
  4. Communicate improved plans, which includes updated strategies, improvements in risk reduction, and return on investment values.
  5. Implement the strategy, which allows you to implement your new strategy into your work management system. The items implemented can involve, but are not limited to: 
  6. Execute the strategy, which allows you to execute work via your company's current work management system and processes.

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