On the left navigation menu, select Strategy, and then select Asset Strategy Management (ASM).
The ASM Overview page appears.
The tabs at the top of the page summarize the number of strategies in various categories. You can select a tab to view the following information:
Asset Strategies: A list of asset strategies.
System and Unit Strategies: A list of system and unit strategies.
Risks: A list of all the risks associated with the active strategies.
Actions: A list of all the actions associated with the active strategies.
Templates: A list of all strategy templates.
The page contains the following charts:
Asset Strategies by State: Plots the number of strategies in each state.
Active Actions by Source: Plots the number of active actions from the active strategies based on the source of an action.
Active Actions by Type: Plots the number of active actions of each type.
Active Actions by Implementation: Plots the number of active actions based on implementation.
You can select in the upper-left corner of the page to filter the information displayed on the ASM Overview page to a specific time range or asset. When you filter by an asset, the page displays information for the selected asset and the assets under it in the hierarchy. The Home level includes information not related to an asset or related to an asset not in the Asset Hierarchy.