Asset Strategy Management (ASM) helps you create a strategy through a cycle of proposing changes that result in a plan that maintains a piece of equipment or location while posing the least possible risk and incurring the least possible cost. Because it might take months of research and discussion for a team to decide upon the proposed changes to an existing strategy, companies need a way to track proposed strategy changes separately from the current strategy. This tracking method allows management to review the cost difference and risk difference that would result from implementation of the proposed changes.
ASM facilitates the creation of multiple records to help you store information about a suggested strategy separately from information about the current strategy. The first step to creating any strategy is to create an Asset Strategy record. When you first save an Asset Strategy record, GE Digital APM creates the following records, which are linked automatically to the Asset Strategy record:
These records serve as containers to identify the strategy using information such as the strategy ID and description. The records will be linked automatically to other records as you expand the strategy by adding Action records and Risk records and assessing the risk.
Ultimately, the Proposed Strategy record and the records to which it is linked represent the strategy that you propose the company implement. The Active Strategy record and the records to which it is linked represent the strategy that the company is currently implementing.
When you modify an Asset Strategy that is in the Active state, causing its state to change to Modified, GE Digital APM captures your changes in the Proposed Strategy record and other records to which it is linked. When you later activate the strategy, the GE Digital APM system copies the information from the Proposed Strategy record (and appropriate linked records) to the Active Strategy record (and appropriate linked records).
The Proposed Strategy record and its linked records are then identical to the Active Strategy record and its linked records until additional changes are made, which causes the cycle to continue.
ASM families can also
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