Delete an OEE Code


  1. Access the Codes workspace.
  2. In the Choose code box, select OEE Codes.

    The list of OEE Codes appears.

  3. Select the check box to the left of the OEE Code that you want to delete.

    Note: Select an OEE Code to reveal the child codes underneath it within the hierarchy.

    Hint: You can select more than one OEE Code.

  4. Select .

    The Delete OEE Code(s) window appears, asking if you really want to delete the selected OEE Codes.

  5. Select Yes.

    The selected OEE Codes are deleted. The updated list of OEE Codes appears in the Codes workspace.

  6. Note: The deleted OEE code will not appear in the list for you to choose when you want to modify the existing losses. If an OEE code is deleted from a value list, and records in the table already use that deleted item, the deleted item remains part of the record until you change it. For example, you will see that deleted OEE code(s) in the Production Loss grid until you change those values.

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