Many companies report how well a manufacturing operation is running overall using Overall Equipment Effectiveness codes, or OEE codes. These codes categorize production losses using three specific areas: equipment availability, performance, and product quality. The losses associated with these categories are then used to calculate an overall OEE percentage, which indicates the effectiveness of the production process.
The goal is to reach a 100% OEE level, or 100% efficiency. To achieve this, each category must operate at 100% (i.e., 0 losses are assigned to each category). The OEE level is a standard way to measure efficiency that can be compared across power generation industries (e.g., electric, refining, pulp and paper, manufacturing, chemical, mining).
In the GE Digital APM system, you can categorize losses according to OEE codes via the OEE Code field in Production Loss records. After production losses are categorized using OEE codes, for each production unit, you can view the overall OEE percentage that is calculated by the GE Digital APM system via the OEE Metric View. To view the production loss amount attributed to each OEE code, you can view the Losses by OEE Code Metric View.
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