Supported Search Syntax for Complex Searches

The following query syntax is supported by GE Digital APM.

Note: If you would like additional information about complex searches, as well as instructions on how to configure it for your GE Digital APM system, see the Search Configuration section of the Administrative User Help.

Boolean Operators

Boolean operators allow terms to be combined via the logic operators AND, OR, and NOT. The AND operator is the default conjunction operator. This means that if there is no Boolean operator between two terms, the AND operator is implied. If either of the two terms specified exist in a document, the AND operator links them and finds a matching document.


Parentheses can be used to group clauses to form sub-queries. For example, to search for either "centrifugal" or "rotating" and "pump," you can enter (centrifugal OR rotating) AND pump as your search criteria.

Minimum Character Length

Each search term must be at least two characters in length.

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