Import the SAP-PI Notification Management File


  1. On your APM Connect Server, in the <root:>\APMConnect\Utilities\runtime\etc directory create a context file named: SAP_PI_NotificationManagement.cfg.

    IMPORTANT: The file name must match SAP_PI_NotificationManagement.cfg exactly.

  2. Paste the following into the context file:

    Note: The path must use forward slashes (/).

  3. Save the file.
  4. Access the APM Connect installation package, and then copy the file connectServices.jar.
  5. Navigate to <root:>\APMConnect\Utilities\runtime\deploy.
  6. If you already have an existing connectServices.jar file, delete it before copying the new file into the directory.
  7. Paste the copied file connectServices.jar in the directory.

    The notification management file is imported.

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