Access GE Digital APM via the Mobile Application


  1. On a mobile device, select the GE Digital APM icon to launch the application.

    The login page appears.

  2. In the Server box, enter the name or URL of the GE Digital APM Server to which you want to connect.

    IMPORTANT: If your GE Digital APM Server is configured to use a secure connection, you must enter the full server URL or IP Address in one of the following formats:

    • https://<GEDigitalAPMServer.CustomerDomain>


    • https://<IP address>



    A list of data sources configured for the server appears.

  3. Select the data source to which you want to log in.

  4. In the Username box, enter your GE Digital APM User ID.

  5. In the Password box, enter your password. Passwords are case sensitive.
  6. Select Login.

    You are connected to the GE Digital APM database, and the GE Digital APM default dashboard page appears.

    Note: When logging in to GE Digital APM, a notification may appear, asking if you want to allow your machine to be used for additional local storage. This local storage is used to store log in information and preferences. Allowing this local storage is optional.

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