V4. Release Notes


This topic provides a list of product changes included in this patch.

Action Management

DescriptionTracking ID
Previously, in the Recommended Actions pane, if you quickly selected multiple Recommendations, the operations were incorrectly displayed. This issue has been resolved.DE119050

Asset Health Manager

DescriptionTracking ID
Previously, while accessing Asset Health Manager on a slow network connection, if you quickly navigated away, and then attempted to access Asset Health Manager, an error occurred. This issue has been resolved.DE117877

Asset Strategy Management

DescriptionTracking ID
Previously, while implementing Actions as an EAM Maintenance Plan, incorrect URL was generated and added to the Recommendation Description field. This issue has been resolved. DE119002
Previously, an error occurred for a Risk matrix with a combination of a non-financial category with a protection level and a financial category. This issue has been resolved.DE118408

Asset Strategy Optimization

DescriptionTracking ID
Previously, while loading a proposed risk, if the risk assessment was performed with a risk matrix that contained less than three categories, an error occurred. This issue has been resolved.DE118410

Data Loaders

DescriptionTracking ID
Previously, when you canceled a data loader job that was in progress, the job was intermittently locked and prevented other data loader jobs from running. This issue has been resolved.DE121444

Family Policies

Table 1. Enhancements and New Features

The following enhancements and new features have been added.

DescriptionTracking ID
The performance while loading a policy in the Design workspace has been significantly improved. To facilitate this enhancement, the connections no longer connect directly to the nodes where the values appear on the design canvas when viewing the validation or execution results.DE120166
Table 2. Resolved Issues

The following issues, which existed in one or more previous versions, have been resolved.

DescriptionTracking ID
Previously, when the job configured to delete old policy execution history records from the GE Digital APM database ran, the following issues intermittently occurred:
  • The job timed out.
  • The job locked the policy execution history table of the database due to which policies were not executed.
These issues have been resolved.
Previously, if a policy contained a node that must not be executed if its output is not used by any successor node, and if you mapped the output of such a node to only a Case node, the node was not executed. This issue has been resolved.DE120494

Inspection Management

DescriptionTracking ID
Previously, in APM Now, the users set up in LDAP were unable to manage Inspection Plans. This issue occurred because the Security Role IDs were changed to make them unique across multiple tenants. This issue has been resolved.
You can now add the users to the following Security Groups that have been created with the same privileges of the corresponding Security Roles to enable them to manage Inspection Plans:
  • MI Compliance Administrator
  • MI Compliance Analyst
  • MI Inspection Plan Approver

For more information about how to assign the Security Groups to the users, refer to KBA: V4. – Compliance Management – How to configure Inspection Plans to be managed by security groups.

Previously, in the Inspection Management Overview page, the master detail sheet associated with an Inspection family did not appear when the following conditions were met:
  • You configured a family in the Event Configurations section in the Inspection Configuration page so that the family appeared in the module navigation menu.
  • You configured the master detail sheet for the related family.
This issue has been resolved.

Policy Designer

Table 3. Enhancements and New Features

The following enhancements and new features have been added.

DescriptionTracking ID
The performance while loading a policy in the Design workspace has been significantly improved. To facilitate this enhancement, the connections no longer connect directly to the nodes where the values appear on the design canvas when viewing the validation or execution results.DE120166
Table 4. Resolved Issues

The following issues, which existed in one or more previous versions, have been resolved.

DescriptionTracking ID
Previously, when the job configured to delete old policy execution history records from the GE Digital APM database ran, the following issues intermittently occurred:
  • The job timed out.
  • The job locked the policy execution history table of the database due to which policies were not executed.
These issues have been resolved. Now, each time the job runs, it deletes as many records as possible and may run multiple times to delete all old policy execution history records.
Previously, if a policy contained a node that must not be executed if its output is not used by any successor node, and if you mapped the output of such a node to only a Case node, the node was not executed. This issue has been resolved.DE120494


Table 5. Resolved Issues

The following issues, which existed in one or more previous versions, have been resolved.

DescriptionTracking ID
Previously, when you added or changed the criteria for a query in the SQL workspace, the criteria did not appear in the Design workspace. This issue has been resolved.DE120488

R Scripts

DescriptionTracking ID
Previously, if an R Script contained a large number of parameters, you could not access all the parameters in the Parameters pane because the pane did not contain a scroll bar. This issue has been resolved. Now, a vertical scroll bar has been added to enable you to move through the pane.DE120272

RBI 580

DescriptionTracking ID
Previously, when calculating an RBI Criticality Analysis, the value in the Estimated Half Life field in the Criticality Ext. Corr. Deg. Mech. Eval. family was set incorrectly if you had defined UOM conversion set for any field used for the calculation of estimated half-life. This issue has been resolved. DE119934

RBI 581

DescriptionTracking ID
Previously, when you calculated an RBI 581 Risk Analysis on a Storage Tank component that contained a toxic mixture, the calculation failed. This issue has been resolved.DE121326

Reliability Analytics

DescriptionTracking ID
Previously, in an Reliability Recommendation record, if you selected the Create Work Request check box, and then saved the record, the SAP Notification that was created did not contain the Equipment and Functional Location values associated with the record. This issue has been resolved. DE119874

Root Cause Analysis

DescriptionTracking ID
Previously, in an RCA Recommendation record, if you selected the Create Work Request check box, and then saved the record, the SAP Notification that was created did not contain the Equipment and Functional Location values associated with the record. This issue has been resolved. DE119750

Schedule Logs

Table 6. Enhancements and New Features

The following enhancements and new features have been added.

DescriptionTracking ID
You can now restart the jobs that are not run successfully but appear in the In Progress section. To facilitate this enhancement, a new button, Recover Jobs, has been added. This button appears when you select the In Progress tab.DE120857
Table 7. Resolved Issues

The following issues, which existed in one or more previous versions, have been resolved.

DescriptionTracking ID
Previously, when you scheduled jobs, some of the jobs were not successfully run and the jobs appeared in the In Progress section. This issue occurred because the application server was disconnected from GE Digital APM when the jobs were run. This issue has been resolved. Now, GE Digital APM automatically restarts the jobs when the application server is restored. DE120857