V4. Deployment

About Applying This Patch

How do I Know if I Need This Patch?

You must apply this patch if your current version is V4. through V4., and you are using one or more of the following modules or features:

  • Asset Criticality Analysis
  • Calibration Management
  • Family Management
  • Risk Based Inspection 580 and 581
  • Root Cause Analysis

For details, refer to the release notes for this patch.

Applying V4.

To apply this patch, complete the following steps:

  1. Apply this patch to all instances of the GE Digital APM Server (both dedicated and supporting).
  2. Apply this patch to mobile devices using an iOS, Android, or Windows operating system by following the standard documentation for installing the GE Digital APM mobile application.

The files that you need to apply this patch are included in the distribution package.

Apply This Patch to GE Digital APM Server Instances


  1. Restart the machine containing the GE Digital APM Server instance that you want to upgrade.
  2. On the same machine, stop all GE Digital APM services and the Redis service. To do so:
    1. Access Task Manager, and then, on the Windows Task Manager window, select the Services tab.

      The Services section appears

    2. Select the heading of the Description column.

      The services are organized alphabetically according to their descriptions.

    3. For each service whose description begins with Meridium and whose status is Running, right-click the service, and then select Stop Service.

      All GE Digital APM services are stopped.

    4. Right-click the service whose description is Redis, and then select Stop Service.

      The Redis service is stopped.

  3. On the same machine, access the GE Digital APM distribution package, and then navigate to the folder Setup\Meridium APM Server and Add-ons.
  4. Open the file Setup.exe.

    A message appears, asking if you want to allow the installer to make changes to your machine.

  5. Select Yes.

    The Meridium APM Server and Add-ons installer appears, displaying the Preparing Setup screen. When the setup is prepared, a message appears, asking if you want to upgrade your GE Digital APM Server.

  6. Select Yes.

    The Setup Status screen appears, displaying a progress bar. When the installation is complete, the Maintenance Complete screen appears.

  7. If prompted to restart your computer, accept the selection Yes, I want to restart my computer now, and then select Finish.

    Otherwise, select Finish to open the APM System Administration tool. As needed, manage each of the configuration files present, and then select Exit.

Install the GE Digital APM Mobile Application on an iOS Device

GE Digital provides an iOS app, but there are specific steps that must be taken for an organization to install the GE Digital APM mobile application on iOS devices.

Before you begin

Before the application can be installed, an Apple developer's license must be purchased.


  1. Contact GE Digital Support to receive the application distribution package.
  2. After you receive the GE Digital APM distribution package containing the .ipa application archive file that stores the iOS application, you must sign the application using the production certificate, private key, app identifier, and distribution provisioning profile created through the Apple Developer Enterprise Program.
  3. Optional: If your organization does not use mobile device management, complete the following steps to distribute the application within your organization:
    1. In Notepad or a similar text editor, copy and paste the following text:
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF - 8"?>
      <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC " -//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
      <plist version="1.0">
    2. Replace <your_server_url> with the URL of your server.
    3. Replace <your_application_identifier> with an identifier for your application.
    4. Save the file as GEDigitalAPM.plist, and then close the file.
      The .plist file is created. When you configure a distribution page for your application, link to this file.
    5. In the web page from which you want to distribute the application within your organization, add an anchor tag with an href pointing to the installation file, as shown in the following example:
      <a href="itms-services://?action=download-manifest&url=https://my.company.com/GEDigitalAPM.plist">Install GE Digital APM</a>

    You can use the link you configured to distribute the application within your organization.

Install the GE Digital APM Mobile Application on an Android Device

GE Digital provides an Android app, but there are specific steps that must be taken for an organization to install the GE Digital APM mobile application on Android devices.


  1. Contact GE Digital Support to receive the application distribution package.
  2. In the distribution package, download the .apk file.
  3. Optional: If your organization does not use mobile device management, in the web page from which you want to distribute the application within your organization, add an anchor tag with an href pointing to the installation file, as shown in the following example:
    <a href="my.company.com/GEDigitalAPM.apk">Install GE Digital APM</a>

    You can use the link you configured to distribute the application within your organization.

Install the GE Digital APM Mobile Application on a Windows Device


  1. Obtain the application package file at C:\Program Files\Meridium\ApplicationServer\distribution\GEDigitalAPM.zip.
    Note: This is the default location of the application package file. The exact location at which you can obtain the application package file may differ based on your initial installation of GE Digital APM.
  2. On the device on which you want to install the GE Digital APM mobile application, extract the content of the application package file to a local folder.
  3. In the folder into which you extracted the application package file content, right-click Install.bat, and then select Run as an Administrator.
    Note: If you are using a touch-screen device, press and hold Install.bat, and then select Run as an Administrator.
    The GE Digital APM mobile application is installed on the Windows device for all current and future Windows user accounts.
  4. Optional: To cancel future installations of or uninstall the GE Digital APM mobile application, in the folder into which you extracted the application package file content, right-click Uninstall.bat, and then select Run as an Administrator.
    Note: If you are using a touch-screen device, press and hold Uninstall.bat, and then select Run as an Administrator.
    The GE Digital APM mobile application is uninstalled for the Windows user account that is currently logged in, and installations for future Windows user accounts are canceled.