V4. Deployment
About Applying This Patch
How do I Know if I Need This Patch?
You must apply this patch if you are enabling two additional language placeholders in GE Digital APM, and your current version is V4. through V4.
For details, refer to the release notes for this patch.
Applying V4.
To apply this patch, complete the following steps:
- Apply this patch to all instances of the GE Digital APM Server (both dedicated and supporting).
- Apply this patch to mobile devices using an iOS, Android, or Windows operating system by following the standard documentation for installing the GE Digital APM mobile application.
- Enable additional language placeholders P1 and P2.
The files that you need to apply this patch are included in the distribution package.
Apply This Patch to GE Digital APM Server Instances
Install the GE Digital APM Mobile Application on an iOS Device
GE Digital provides an iOS app, but there are specific steps that must be taken for an organization to install the GE Digital APM mobile application on iOS devices.
Before You Begin
Before the application can be installed, an Apple developer's license must be purchased.
Install the GE Digital APM Mobile Application on an Android Device
GE Digital provides an Android app, but there are specific steps that must be taken for an organization to install the GE Digital APM mobile application on Android devices.
Install the GE Digital APM Mobile Application on a Windows Device
Enable additional language placeholders P1 and P2
- Run the following queries against the database:
- Activate the license via GE Digital APM or via command prompt.
Activate a License via GE Digital APM
Before You Begin
- You must have obtained the license file and customer PIN.
- The GE Digital APM system validates the license file and PIN that you entered. If the file and PIN are determined to be valid, the License Activation window closes, and license file appears in the list on the Activate Licenses page.
- For each module activated successfully, the Status field is populated with the text ACTIVE. However, if the license file or PIN are invalid, an error message will be displayed after Step 6. The error message will explain the problem that was encountered.
Activate a License via Command Prompt
Before You Begin
- You must have obtained the license file from GE Digital APM.