General Tab - User Preferences Dialog Box

The General tab of the User Preferences dialog box displays the following items:

WorkSpace Options



Start WorkSpace In Run Mode

Select this check box to indicate that the iFIX WorkSpace starts in the run-time environment. Clear this check box to indicate that the iFIX WorkSpace starts in the configuration environment.  

Auto Save Documents When Switching From Configure To Run

Select this check box to automatically save open documents when the iFIX WorkSpace switches to the run-time environment.  

Full Screen In Run Mode

Select this check box to display pictures in the run-time environment with the maximum screen space possible.  When the iFIX WorkSpace displays full-screen in the run-time environment, the menu bar is hidden.  The system tree and all toolbars are always hidden in this environment.  

Always Create Backup Copy

Select this check box to automatically copy the previous version of a file to a back-up folder each time you save a new version.  If a back-up file already exists, the new back-up file replaces it.  

Fire DataChange Event On Startup

Select this check box to configure the Data Change event of an event object to fire only when there is new data after the initialization.  

Actions such as switching from the Configuration environment to the Run-time environment while an iFIX schedule is open will cause the DataChange event to trigger accordingly.

If you select this option, iFIX fires the event when initializing the event object at the time you open a picture and switch to run mode.  Clear this check box if you want events to fire only if the data source truly changes.

Extend WorkSpace to Support Multiple Monitors

Select this check box if you plan to use multiple monitors with your iFIX displays.

Enable Ribbon User Interface

Select this check box to use the Ribbon user interface in the iFIX WorkSpace. Clear this check box to use the Classic user interface in the iFIX WorkSpace.

Zoom To Fit in Run Mode

In run mode, select this check box to suppress the scroll bars and to show the entire picture in the current picture window. Only pictures using Enhanced Coordinates that are opened in Run mode will honor this setting. If you do not want to apply this setting to a specific picture, then a script change under the picture initialization code is required. For more information, refer to the ZoomToFit Method section in iFIX Automation Reference e-book.

Enable High Performance HMI Graphics

Select this check box to create high performance GE Web HMI graphics for export to GE Web HMI, or to create high performance iFIX pictures that use the High Performance color set and the high performance settings for shapes and picture creation. For more information, refer to the Creating High Performance Pictures e-book.

Electronic Signature Options



Perform Comments Table Name

Specifies the name of the table that contains predefined perform comments for the Electronic Signature dialog box.    

Create Default Perform Comments Table

Use this button to create a new table containing predefined perform comments for the Electronic Signature dialog box.    

Verify Comments Table Name

Specifies the name of the table that contains predefined verify comments in the Electronic Signature dialog box.    

Create Default Verify Comments Table

Use this button to create a new table containing predefined verify comments for the Electronic Signature dialog box.    

Custom ActiveX Control ProgID

Specifies the ProgID for the custom ActiveX control you want to use to replace the standard electronic signature ActiveX control used to capture user names and passwords for signatures.

When the Electronic Signature dialog box opens, it checks this field for a ProgID. If no ProgID is found, the standard Esignature ActiveX control is displayed. If a ProgID is found, the Electronic Signature dialog box attempts to create the custom ActiveX control. However, if creation of the control fails, a message is displayed stating that the custom control could not be created and the standard Esignature ActiveX control is displayed instead.

Security Options

User Accounts Disabled Message

Specifies the message that appears from the Electronic Signature dialog box when a user account is no longer valid.

Expression Editor Options

Remember Last Filter

Select this check box so that the last filter used in the Expression Builder dialog box is remembered. This is useful if you frequently use the same or similar information when building your expressions.

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