Testing Your Help File
After you create the Help file, you should test it within your application.
To test your Help file:
- Copy your compiled Help file to the iFIX base path or PIC path. By default, this path is: C:\Program Files (x86)\GE\iFIX\PIC.
- Follow the steps in the Adding Help to an iFIX Picture section to create a picture with context-sensitive help information, if you have not already created one.
- In the iFIX WorkSpace run-time environment, open your Help-enabled picture.
- Press Shift+F1. The cursor changes to a question mark pointer, indicating that it is in What's This? Help mode.
- Click an object to which you assigned a Help context ID. The Help topic that you assigned to the object displays in a pop-up window. To dismiss the Help pop-up window, click anywhere on the screen.