Adding Help to an iFIX Picture

First, specify the Help file name in the HelpFile property of your picture.

To specify the Help file name:

  1. Right-click a blank space within the picture and select Properties from the pop-up menu. The Properties dialog box appears with the name of the CFixPicture object as the active object.
  2. In the HelpFile property cell, specify the name of the Help file that contains your context-sensitive topics. If you copied this file to a path other than the default path (for example: C:\Program Files (x86)\GE\iFIX, or C:\Program Files (x86)\GE\iFIX\PIC), you need to include the path to the help file as well.

Refer to the Creating Picture-specific Help Files section for examples on how to create the Help file.

  1. Save the picture.

Next, assign a unique number, called a Help context ID, to each object in your picture that you want the operator to be able to get Help on.

To assign a Help context ID:

  1. Right-click each object in your picture (including the picture itself) for which you want to write a Help topic and select the Property Window command. The Properties window appears with the name of the selected object as the active object.
  2. Set the ContextID property to the desired number. Remember that all context IDs within the same Help file must be unique. These values are used by the Help (Winhelp or HTML Help) application to correctly display the Help topic that is associated with the control. If two controls have the same context ID, the Help compiler displays an error message.

Finally, you need to make any object that you want an operator to be able to get Help on selectable.

To make the object selectable so that the operator can view the help:

  1. Right-click each object in your picture (including the picture itself) for which you want to write a Help topic and select the Property Window command. The Properties window appears with the name of the selected object as the active object.
  2. Set the IsSelectable property to True.


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