Plotting Style Tab - Enhanced Chart Customization Dialog Box

The Plotting Style tab of the Enhanced Chart Customization dialog box displays the following items:

Line Style



Subset Selection List

Allows you to select the data source that your Color, Point Type, Plotting Style, and Line Type selections will apply to.


Click to choose the desired color for the selected data source. Double-click a color button to define a custom color.

Point Type

Specifies the point type for the selected data source.

NOTE: Point types appear in the chart only if the Chart Plotting Style includes points, such as Point + Line, for example.

Line Type

Specifies the line type for the selected data source.

Chart Plotting Style

NOTE: The following styles are available only for Line/Multiline and XY Charts.




Specifies that the area under the plot line is filled with the color selected in the Line Style area.


Specifies that data is presented using bars.


Specifies that data is presented in a histogram.

NOTE: This style is not available for XY charts. The Histogram style is only valid for one data source.


Specifies that data is presented using lines.

NOTE:  When two gapped sections surround a single valid data point, that isolated data point is plotted with a point even though the plotting style is currently a line.


Specifies that data is presented using points.

Point + Best Fit Curve

Specifies that data is presented showing all data points and plots a best fit curve for all points in the chart.

Point + Best Fit Curve II

Specifies that data is presented showing all data points and plots a best fit curve for only the currently visible points in the chart.

NOTE: This style is not available for XY charts.

Point + Best Fit Line

Specifies that data is presented showing all data points and plots a best fit line for all points in the chart.

Point + Best Fit Line II

Specifies that data is presented showing all data points and plots a best fit line for only the currently visible points in the chart.

NOTE: This style is not available for XY charts.

Point + Line

Specifies that data is presented using points and lines.

Point + Spline

Specifies that data is presented using points and splines.


Specifies that data is presented using splines.

Data Shadows




Specifies that there are no shadows for the chart data.


Specifies that there are shadows for the chart data.

NOTE: Shadows can be applied only to Line/Multiline charts that use Area or Bar for their Plotting Style and to Histograms.


Specifies that the chart's data is 3D.

NOTE: 3D can be applied only to Histogram charts. It does not work with SPC Bar charts or Line/Multiline charts.


Click to access the Exporting dialog box.


Click to get a maximized static snapshot of the chart, presented at full-screen size.

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