
When using Change Management with iFIX, be aware of the following limitations:

  • In order to use the integrated Change Management features within iFIX, you must have Change Management installed.

NOTE: When installing the PCM Thick Client along with iFIX, only PCM 9.5 with the latest SIMs and above is supported. However, iFIX can connect remotely with a PCM Server of any version.

IMPORTANT: When installing the PCM Scheduler along with iFIX, only PCM 9.5 with the latest SIMs and above is supported. However, iFIX can connect remotely with a PCM Server of any version.

  • In order to use the integrated Change Management features within iFIX, you must have administrative rights on the iFIX Client computer.
  • Project-specific folders created for multiple users, such as those described in the Best Practices for Managing Multiple iFIX Users section in the Optimization guide, cannot be managed with Change Management features in iFIX. Project-specific folders are typically used by Terminal Server users.
  • Do not check in any iFIX files which contain special characters, as detailed in the following Microsoft article: For example, if you attempt to check in an iFIX tag group file with a special characters such as the % character, an error message appears. This error a result of the inability to check files with special characters into the Visual SourceSafe application that is used by Change Management.
  • Change Management (PCM) does not support version control of the iFIX OPC UA Server configuration files or the OPC UA Client driver related files.
  • When using Terminal Services with iFIX, Change Management is supported only from the console session – not from a remote connection.
  • While you can add, check in, check out, and get Batch Execution files from the Change Management Server, the version of the Batch Execution files is not retained. Since there is no version recorded, a version number for these files does not appear in the PCM History window.
  • Batch Execution files are added or checked in to the base iFIX project folder on the Change Management Server. For example, if your project name is FIX1, then the Batch Execution files are checked in to the base FIX1 project folder in Machine Edition. They are not checked into the APP folder, or a separate Batch Project folder at this time.
  • In the PCM History window, when displaying the differences of the Security folder, all files except the display.dov file (if it exists) are compared.
  • In the PCM History window, when doing a Text compare, changes to ActiveX Controls or Chart Configuration are not included.
  • In the PCM History window, when displaying the differences in the FIX Desktop Files, all files except the *.hgp files for the Historical Display are compared.

IMPORTANT: As of iFIX 5.8, FIX Desktop is no longer supported with iFIX.

  • Depending on the number of FIX Desktop files you have, it may take a longer time to perform Change Management functions with these files than with other iFIX files. This is because for FIX Desktop all files are managed together, instead of individually. For a list of the files in the FIX Desktop folder that you can manage, refer to the FIX Desktop Folder section.
  • Because the FIX Desktop files are saved as one file, individual FIX Desktop files cannot be viewed individually from within the Change Management application.
  • Be aware that the Change Management application's Server Trim utility removes labels from iFIX projects, folders, security files, FIX Desktop files, Historical Assignment files, and user add-on files. It does, however, leave your labels on individual iFIX files.
  • Files from a remote location cannot be added to your Change Management project. If you want to use a network path, you must use a mapped network drive.
  • Security files that point to a remote security path or a non-local iFIX path cannot be added to the Change Management Server. Make sure that the primary and backup security path in the Security application's Configuration dialog point to the iFIX Local folder. For instance, if you install iFIX to the default folder, this path is: C:\Program Files (x86)\GE\iFIX\LOCAL.
  • If multiple users want to manage iFIX files from the WorkSpace, and each user wants the ability to check out the entire project, the project paths (including the drive letter) must be the same on all computers. Also, the iFIX user names and passwords must be the same on the Change Management Server.
  • If you Get an iFIX project from the Change Management Server, you must restart iFIX. If the SCU files you get do not map to your current path (the paths are different), the project will not start in iFIX. You must update the SCU file. Refer to the Get Other Project section for more details.
  • While iFIX is running, you cannot get security files, the current SCU, or the User.fxg file from the iFIX WorkSpace. You can, however, use the Get Other Project command to copy these files to another location, and then update the SCU to run the project.
  • You currently cannot manage the iFIX WorkSpace's Help & Information folder, or the files it contains.
  • The Change Management Server is only available in English. You can run the Change Management Client that is installed with iFIX in English and other single byte operating systems. Double or multiple byte operating systems are not supported.