
The Label option from the Manage menu allows you to assign a user defined text string to the latest version of a file, folder, or project in the Change Management Server. When you assign a label at the project or folder level, that label only applies to the select project or folder. For instance, if you apply a label at the project level, all folders and files in that project are not individually labeled. Only the project folder is labeled.

From the PCM History window, you can compare a labeled version of a project, file, or folder in the Change Management Server with the version on your local computer. You can also compare two labeled versions of the same file in the Change Management Server. The Apply Label dialog box is illustrated in the following figure.

Be aware that if you run the Change Management Server Trim utility, labels on from iFIX projects, folders, security files, Historical Assignment files, and user add-on files are removed. Labels on individual iFIX files remain, however. For more information on labels in iFIX and Change Management, refer to the Labeling Differences section.

To assign a label to a version of a file, folder, or project in the PCM Server:

  1. In the iFIX WorkSpace system tree, right-click the file, folder, or project that you want to display a history report on, and from the Manage menu, select Label. The Apply Label dialog box appears.
  2. In the Label field, enter the text string for the label you want to use. Be aware that the label you enter can be no longer than 31 characters.
  3. Click OK.

See Also

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