In Change Management, you currently can only create labels at the file level. However, if you are using the iFIX WorkSpace with the integrated Change Management features, you can label files at the project and folder level.
Labeling files, folders, and projects helps you identify a version of a file or files with a specific string. For example, in the iFIX WorkSpace, you could label a collection of files in a folder or project with "Beta Release" as the text string. Later, you can read down all the files with the version labeled "Beta Release" from the Change Management Server in the PCM History window.
Be aware that once you run the Change Management Server Trim utility, labels on from iFIX projects, folders, security files, Historical Assignment files, and user add-on files are removed. Labels on individual iFIX files remain, however.
For more information on labeling and Change Management, refer to the "Using Version Labels" topic in the Machine Edition online help.