You can copy the latest version of a file, folder, or project from the Change Management Server to your local computer by using the:
- Get Latest option from the Manage menu
- PCM History window
If a version already exists on your local computer, when you get the file, that version is overwritten. The file or files get copied to your local computer with writable attributes. If you are checking out pictures, and pictures with the same name are open in the WorkSpace, you need to close them and re-open them to view the Server versions locally. The status file or files on the Change Management remains the same. No Check Out occurs when you get the latest version.
If you get the entire project, be aware that you must restart iFIX so that it starts with the SCU and security files you get, and you can work on the project.
If the SCU paths in the project you get from the Change Management Server are not mapped to the path of your local iFIX install, you will not be able to start iFIX with this project.
For example, say the SCU project path is mapped to D:\Program Files (x86)\GE\iFIX, but your local iFIX install is installed to C:\Program Files (x86)\GE\iFIX. You must open this SCU in the System Configuration utility to update this paths before you can run this project locally. You should confirm the correct paths exist in the Path Configuration, Task Configuration, Network Configuration, Local Startup Definition, and SQL Task Configuration dialog boxes.
If multiple developers intend to work on the same iFIX project, make sure each user installs iFIX to the same path and drive. This ensures that paths will always load properly in iFIX SCU files.
Tips for Getting Color Table (*.FTB) files
Color table files (*.FTB) are saved only when the iFIX WorkSpace exits. So, if you try to get the latest version from the Change Management Server, it may appear as if the get did not work properly. Restart the WorkSpace, and your color tables should get updated.
Steps for Getting Files
The steps that follow describe to get a file or files from the right-click menu or the PCM History window.
To get the latest version of a file, folder, or project from
the right-click menu:
- In the iFIX WorkSpace system tree, right-click the file, folder, or project that you want to get, and from the Manage menu, and select Get Latest.
- If you selected a project, a message box appears indicating that iFIX must be restarted. To continue:
- Click Yes. Another message appears to confirm the shut down. The PCM Utility window appears, displaying the status in the background.
- Click OK. You are prompted to save any files with unsaved changes. Click Yes for each file you want to save.
- If you suspect that the install paths do not match your local iFIX installation path, modify the SCU file so that it contains the correct paths in the Path Configuration, Task Configuration, Network Configuration, Local Startup Definition, and SQL Task Configuration dialog boxes.
- Restart iFIX.
- If you retrieved a color table file that you want to work on, restart the WorkSpace so that it loads properly and you can view it.
To get a version of a file, folder, or project from the
PCM History window:
- In the iFIX WorkSpace system tree, right-click the file, folder, or project that you want to obtain a version from the Change Management Server, and on the Manage menu, click History Report. The PCM History window appears.
- In the PCM History window, select the version of the file, folder, or project that you want to get from the Change Management Server, and click Get.
- Click OK to continue. A status box appears on screen as the selected file, folder, or project is copied to your local computer.
- If you retrieved a color table file that you want to work on, restart the WorkSpace so that it loads properly and you can view it.
- If you retrieved an entire project, restart iFIX.
NOTE: If you notice that your files are not updated, verify that you have enough available memory to complete the operation. Low memory prevents the files from being copied to your local computer.