
When you use Change Management with iFIX, you can do the following:

  • Manage all iFIX project files, including configuration files, and non-iFIX project files (such as .OCXs, .DLLs, and .EXE files) from the iFIX WorkSpace.
  • Use all Change Management features from the right-click Manage menu from the iFIX WorkSpace tree.
  • Perform a text compare of pictures (including VBA), process databases, Dynamos, SCU files, and user.fxg changes.
  • Use the Change Management Client to run scheduled backups of your iFIX project files and report back the changes.
  • Capture information on who, when, and why iFIX project files were modified. The audit trail displays in the Change Management (PCM) History window (also available from the right-click Manage menu).
  • Identify changes between versions using the PCM History window.
  • Automatically log in to the Change Management Server from the iFIX WorkSpace, when you synchronize your user names and passwords across the products.
  • Label iFIX files, folders, or projects with specific text string identifiers.
  • Optionally require iFIX electronic signatures when checking out or checking in files to the Change Management Server (from the right-click menu) in the iFIX WorkSpace.
  • Include predefined comments for the operators to select when entering an electronic signature. The comments you display can reside in a different table than the other iFIX electronic signatures.

See Also