Background StartUp Tab - User Preferences Dialog Box
The Background StartUp tab of the User Preferences dialog box displays the following items:
Background Task StartUp Schedules List Box
Displays the schedules configured to automatically load in the background task when the background task is started. By double-clicking in the list, you can enter or edit any scheduled entry. You can also select the schedule you want to add by browsing to it with the Browse button.
New Button
Use this button to add a schedule (Background Startup tab) or a picture (Startup Pictures tab) to the start-up list by entering its name and path. You can also select the file by browsing to it with the Browse button.
Delete Button
Use this button to delete the selected file from the start-up list.
Move Up Button
Use this button to move the selected file up in the start-up list.
Move Down Button
Use this button to move the selected file down in the start-up list.