Defining Time Ranges

Using the Time tab of the Chart Configuration dialog box, you can assign a time range to each pen in the chart. This allows you to compare data from different time periods on the same chart, which in turn aides in plotting ideal curves versus actual curves. You can specify one global time period for all pens in a chart, or select a separate time period for each pen.

To define time ranges, click the Time tab and enter the time ranges in the appropriate fields on the Time tabbed page. Refer to the following table for the correct entry and format for each field.

Time Range Fields and Formats 

In the field...


In the format...

Fixed Date

A specific date on which to start the display.


Days Before Now

The number of days prior to today to start the display. For example, if you want to define a time group to display data collected two days before the current date, enter 2.

999 (maximum value)

Fixed Time

A specific time to start the display, based on a 24-hour clock. For example, enter 14:00:00 for a starting time of 2 P.M.

HH:MM:SS (hour:minutes:seconds)

Lock Time

Locks the current time, even if you change the time zone in the Date and Time Properties dialog box in the Control Panel. This field is only available when you designate a specific time to start the display using the Fixed Time field.


Duration Before Now

The duration prior to the current time to start the display. The minimum duration for a display is 0 seconds; the maximum is 23 hours, 59 minutes, and 59 seconds.


Time Zone

The time zone to associate with the start time. You can select an explicit time zone, the client time zone, the server time zone, or the tag time zone. The default time zone is that of the client machine. This field is only available when Proficy Historian is being used.


Adjust for Daylight Savings Time

Adjusts the time when the zone you selected is experiencing daylight saving if you selected the Automatically adjust clock for daylight saving changes check box in the Control Panel. This field is only available when Proficy Historian is being used.

NOTE: Before allowing automatic Daylight Saving Time to be used in a production environment, you should test your application for proper behavior.



The duration for the display, which determines how much data to display on the X axis. The minimum duration for a display is 1 second; the maximum is 99 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes, and 59 seconds.

Using Proficy Historian, the minimum duration for a display is 1 second; the maximum is 999 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes, and 59 seconds.

The span duration also appears in the Standard Chart Preferences tabbed page of the User Preferences dialog box.

NOTE: The Duration must be evenly divisible by the Interval or unpredictable results may occur in the chart. The Chart tab does not allow you to configure a duration that is not evenly divisible by the Interval.

Days: DD

Time: HH:MM:SS

Span Interval

A time interval between the samples. The interval cannot be greater than half the Duration value.

When the Span Interval is 0, the time interval between data samplings is determined automatically based on the span duration divided by the maximum number of display points.

The span duration also appears in the Standard Chart Preferences tabbed page of the User Preferences dialog box.

You can display milliseconds only if you are using Proficy Historian.

NOTE: The Span Duration must be evenly divisible by the Span Interval. Configuring a Span Duration that is not evenly divisible by the Span Interval can cause unpredictable results in the chart.

Time: HH:MM:SS

Time (with milliseconds): HH:MM:SS:MS

You can also dynamically change the limits of the time axis using a VBA script that changes in the Start Time and End Time properties of a chart. To enable this feature, select the Allow Reset of Axis Limits check box on the X-Axis tab. When you select this control, you enable the time axis to be reset after you right-click to zoom out in a chart. If you want to configure all charts to behave this way, select the Allow Time Axis Reset check box in the WorkSpace's user preferences.

To apply a global time period to all pens in a chart, select the Apply to All Pens check box. For more information on applying properties to all pens, refer to the Applying Properties to all Pens section.