Applying Standard Chart Properties

There are several ways you can apply selected properties to your charts using the Chart Configuration dialog box:

  • Select a new pen in the Pen List.
  • Click OK.
  • Click Apply.
  • Select the Apply to All Pens check box.

Each of these methods are described in the following table.

Methods of Applying Properties 

Use this method...


Select a new pen in the Pen List

Automatically apply properties based on the selected data source. This method takes precedence over other methods of applying properties: you do not have to click OK or Apply to apply the pen property, and, if you click Cancel after you have selected a pen, the properties are still applied.

Click OK

Quickly apply selected properties to your chart and close the Chart Configuration dialog box.

No matter which method you use to apply properties, you must click OK to close the dialog box.

Click Apply

View a property change immediately without closing the Chart Configuration dialog box. For example, if you want to change the foreground color of a chart from gray to white, change the color and click Apply. The color of the chart will change while the Chart Configuration dialog box stays on your screen.

You are not required to click Apply to apply properties to your chart.

Select the Apply to All Pens check box

Apply properties to all pens added to a chart. Refer to the Applying Properties to all Pens section below for more information.

Applying Properties to all Pens

iFIX allows you to easily define time, X and Y axis, grid, and legend properties for every pen you add to your chart. You can do this by simply selecting the Apply to All Pens check box on the Chart tabbed page. For example, you may want all of the pens in your chart to have the same legend. To accomplish this, click the Legend tab and select the properties you want. Next, select the Apply to All Pens check box. Exit the dialog box by clicking OK.

See Also

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