The following commands appear on the File menu.
Create a new driver configuration file.
Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + N.
Open an existing driver configuration file or log file. You can select .OPC or .CSV configuration file types, or .TXT log file types.
Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + O.
Saves the current driver configuration file to the default path for configuration files with the name you specify. The default path for configuration files is the same path where you installed the server. You can change the default path by entering a new location. Refer to Set Defaults for I/O Driver Configuration File Name and Path to learn how to configure the default path for the Power Tool.
If you save a new driver configuration file, the Save As dialog box prompts you to enter a name for your driver configuration file.
Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + S.
Save As
Lets you enter a new name, path, and file type for the current driver configuration.
Save As Dialog Box Options
- Save In – Select the directory that you want to store the file in.
- File Name – Enter a new name for the file. To save a file with an existing file name, select the name in the list or enter the current name. This will overwrite the existing file.
- Save as Type – Specify the type of file you want to save the configuration as:
- A configuration file (*.OPC) – Specify the type of file in the format that the driver uses to communicate with the process hardware. Configuration files use the three-letter acronym of the driver.
- A comma separated value file (.CSV) – Save the file as a text file. You can open these files in a text editor and use them to document your driver configurations. You can also modify .CSV files in a text editor, open them in the Power Tool, and save them as configuration files. The delimiters for .CSV files conform to national standards. For example, in the United States, .CSV file delimiters are commas. In France, .CSV file delimiters are semicolons. Saving a configuration as a .CSV file is sometimes referred to as exporting the driver configuration.
- Refer to Use I/O Driver Report Files for details on how to use the different file types most effectively.
- Save button – Saves the file with the specified name.
- Cancel button – Closes the dialog box without saving the file.
Exits the Power Tool.