Use I/O Driver Report Files

You can use I/O driver report files (.CSV) to document, create, or upgrade I/O driver configuration binary files. All files with the CSV extension are Comma Separated Value files that you can view and edit in a text editor or Microsoft Excel.

Driver .CSV files have the following sections:

  • Report header
  • Server header
  • Server data
  • Group header
  • Group data
  • Item header
  • Item data

Report Header – is for information and contains the driver name and the date of the report.

Server Header – contains a list of all the server properties. The server header must start with an exclamation point (!).

Server Data – contains the values of the server properties for your driver configuration. The number of data values must match the number of server properties listed in the server header. If you do not specify a value for a property, it uses the default value for that property.

Group Header – contains a list of all the group properties. The group header must start with an at-sign (@).

Group Data – contains the values of the group properties for your driver configuration. The number of data values must match the number of group properties listed in the group header. If you do not specify a value for a property, it uses the default value for that property.

Item Header – contains a list of all the item properties. The item header must start with a pound sign (#).

Item Data – contains the values of the item properties for your driver configuration. The number of data values must match the number of item properties listed in the item header. If you do not specify a value for a property, it uses the default value for that property.

Example .CSV file displayed in a text editor

#Device, Name, Description, Enabled, ItemID, AccessPath, DeadBand, RequestedDataType, LatchData, OutputDisabled, AccessTime, IsDataArray, ItemLength, ItemStartAddr, BlockWritesEnabled

Report Header

[OPC I/O Driver Configuration Report, Wednesday, November 10

1999, 09:00 PM]

Server Header


Server Data


Server3,,0,OPC.DVTest.1,Sample OPC Server,Local,,0,,1,;

Group Header






Item Header


Item Data

Group1,Item1,,1,ISA:D1:1,No Access Path,0,Signed,0,0,Disabled,0,,,0

Group1,Item2,,1,ISA:D1:2,No Access Path,0,Unsigned,0,0,Disabled,0,,,1

Group2,Item5,,1,ISA:D1:1:1,No Access Path,0,Boolean,0,0,Disabled,0,,,0

You can import a .CSV file from the Power Tool or the I/O Server. Regardless of the method you select, any errors in the .CSV file appear in the I/O Server window when you import it. To view the errors, click an item in the Tree Browser and press Alt + Shift + S.