Replaces a match occurrence in one string with another string.
object.ReplaceInString pbstrTargetString, bstrReplacementString, bstrMarkedMatchString, lFirstChar, lCharCount, lFlags, pbstrResultString, pbSuccess
The ReplaceInString method syntax has these parts:
Part |
Description |
object |
An object expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list. |
pbstrTargetString |
String. Target string to which the replacement is to be made. |
bstrReplacementString |
String. String to be substituted for the sub-string identified by lFirstChar and lCharCount in the target string. |
bstrMarkedMatchString |
String. String returned from a previous FindInString method call. |
lFirstChar |
Long. One-based index of the first character to be replaced in the target string returned from a previous FindInString method call. |
lCharCount |
Long. Number of characters to be replaced in the target string returned from a previous FindInString method call. |
lFlags |
Long. Search modifiers. |
pbstrResultString |
String. Returns the new string with the specified replacement. |
pbSuccess |
Boolean. Returns True if the operation succeeded, False otherwise. |
Calling ReplaceInString after calling FindInString produces the same result as calling the FindReplaceInString method.