This dialog box allows you to set up the Auto Alarm Manager as a service and set up the program's communication timers. The Advanced Send Alarm Settings dialog box displays the following items:
Allows you to specify the user name of a Windows user account that the Auto Alarm Manager can use to report alarms when no one is logged into the sending node. The user name you specify must reside on the RAS server and must have dial-in permission.
Allows you to specify the password of a Windows user account that the Auto Alarm Manager can use to report alarms when no one is logged into the sending node. Use the Confirm Password field to re-enter the password specified in this field.
Confirm Password
Allows you to confirm the password specified in the Password field.
Send Timeout
Allows you to fine tune serial communication between the sending and receiving nodes. This field controls the amount of time the Auto Alarm Manager has to send alarms to the receiving node.
Receive Timeout
Allows you to fine tune serial communication between the sending and receiving nodes. This field controls the amount of time the Auto Alarm Manager waits for a response from the receiving node that the alarms were delivered successfully.