Another utility, provided by GE, is the TCPTEST diagnostic program. To run TCPTEST, click the Start button, click Run, and then type the following into the command line:
TCPTEST parameters <Enter>
where parameters are one or more of the following command parameters in the table. To display a list of parameters on the screen, type the following:
The program requires two nodes to run, one as a client and one as a server. Set up the server node first, as follows:
tcptest /S <Enter>
The client node must use as a minimum the following TCPTEST parameters:
tcptest /C /Rnodename <Enter>
where nodename is the SCU node name of the server node. For example, to make VIEW01 a server, run TCPTEST with the /S parameter, as shown above. To communicate with VIEW01, go to another node and type the following:
tcptest /C /RVIEW01 <Enter>
It is recommended that you run TCPTEST without iFIX running. If you need to run both at the same time, be sure to change the port number (/P) that TCPTEST uses. Otherwise, a conflict may occur with the data being passed because, by default, TCPTEST uses the same port number as iFIX. Note that the client and server must use identical port numbers when using TCPTEST.