Configuring Remote Nodes

iFIX allows you to configure primary and secondary nodes for SCADA server failover. By entering a primary and secondary node in the Network Configuration dialog box, you ensure connection with that node should communication with the primary node fail. The following sections describe how you can enable, configure, and modify remote nodes in your network environment.

For more information on implementing SCADA server failover in your environment, refer to the Enhanced Failover electronic book.

Enabling Secondary SCADA Nodes

You must first add a remote node to your configuration before you can enable SCADA server failover in your network.

You can view or make changes to the configured remote nodes in the Remote Nodes area of the dialog box. To view the primary and secondary nodes currently configured, select the Show All Names check box.

Using Network Timers on a Per-node Basis

The Remote Node Configuration dialog box allows you to modify network timer values on a per-node basis.

Refer to the Advanced Topics chapter for more information on configuring network timers, including what each time-out value represents.

Dynamic Connections

Dynamic connections allow iFIX to make a network connection when it needs to retrieve data from a server. For example, if a picture references a remote server, and the remote server has not been configured in the SCU, iFIX automatically makes a dynamic connection to that server when you open the picture. The servers will remain connected, even if you close the picture or exit the run-time environment. In fact, with Dynamic Connections enabled, you do not have to enter node names in the Configured Remote Nodes list at all.

When iFIX first opens a picture that requires a dynamic connection, it may take a slightly longer time resolving the connection. This delay depends on the amount of network connections required for the specific picture and if these servers are available for a connection.

The Dynamic Connections option is disabled by default, and affects all connections from the node. All dynamic connections will inherit the network timer settings defined within the SCU. If you choose to enable dynamic connections, iFIX may attempt to establish a connection when calling the System.FindObject method in a script. This happens when a name or an object is referenced in a script but is not currently loaded. For example, consider the following script:

Dim shape as Object

Set shape = System.FindObject("badname.rect1")

badname is the name of a picture that is not currently loaded. In this script, iFIX attempts to establish this connection with badname. When the connection fails, the following error occurs:

Object not found

NOTE: With Dynamic Connections enabled, a new node will not receive alarms from a SCADA server until a connection is established. If you want a remote node to receive alarms from a SCADA server immediately after starting up, you should add the SCADA server name to the Configured Remote Nodes list of the View client.


See Also

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