Dynamo Properties Dialog Box
The Dynamo Properties dialog box appears when a Dynamo is double-clicked or when the Dynamo is first copied into a new picture, and there are user prompts available for the Dynamo. This allows you to quickly modify the data source associated with the property, if necessary. The Dynamo Properties dialog box displays the following items:
Dynamo Name
A read-only field that displays the Dynamo name for informational purposes. You cannot edit this field.
Dynamo Description
Optionally, specify a description of the Dynamo Instance in this field. The Dynamo Description can be different for each Dynamo Instance. For the Master Dynamo, the description is empty and read-only.
Dynamo Property List
The Dynamo Property list box displays each property assigned to the Dynamo. For each Dynamo Property:
- The Current Setting field displays a value, such as the tagname or command script variable, that is currently assigned to the object property.
- The User Prompt field allows you to enter Dynamo prompts for each object property, so you can re-use the Dynamo in multiple displays. A Dynamo prompt should be meaningful, so that when it is placed in a picture, the user can enter the unique properties for the Dynamo.