Using the Object Pop-up Menu

As you create a picture, you can display a pop-up menu for the picture or an object in the picture. To display an object's pop-up menu, right-click the object. This menu provides quick access to the object's properties and animations, as well as common operations you can perform with the object, such as copying and pasting.

You can also access this menu by right-clicking the object in the Pictures directory of the system tree. This is an effective way to view or adjust properties for invisible objects (which only appear in the system tree) added during animation.

NOTE: The pop-up menu for objects differs somewhat from the picture pop-up menu. Refer to the Using the Picture Pop-up Menu section for more information on the picture pop-up menu.

The following table shows the functions that are available from the object pop-up menu. Depending on the object you have selected, additional operations may be available.

Use the operation...



Display the Animations dialog box, which allows you to animate the properties of an object or several objects.


Display handles around the object so you can resize it.


Display handles around the object so you can reshape it.


Display rotate handles around the object so you can move the object around its center of rotation.

Add Connection Point

Display a square green cursor with a smaller square inside it and a crosshair when you are close to or moving over the object. This menu item displays as Add Point when you right-click a polyline or pipe object.


Displays a Dynamo

Delete Connection Point

Display a square, solid red cursor with a cross hair when you are close to a connection point that can be deleted. When not close, the cursor becomes a red square with a minus sign and a crosshair. This menu item displays as Delete Point when you right-click a polyline or pipe object.

Split Polyline

Display a splitting cursor that changes to black when you are close to the polyline. A black cursor indicates that you can split the polyline at that point.

Convert to Pipe

Convert the line or polyline to a pipe object.

Split Pipe

Display a splitting cursor that changes to a contrasting color when you are inside the edge of the pipe. A colored cursor indicates that you can split the pipe at that point.

Make Horizontal

Make the line horizontal.

Make Vertical

Make the line vertical.


Cancel the previous operation. If a particular task cannot be undone, the Undo command is unavailable after you complete the action.


Remove the object from the picture and places it into the clipboard.


Create a duplicate copy of the object and place it into the clipboard.


Remove the object from the picture.


Create a duplicate copy of the object and place it slightly offset from the original.


Combine one or more objects into one grouped object.

Bring to Front

Move the selected object to the front or top of the picture.

NOTE: This function may not work as expected with Enhanced Charts.

Send to Back

Move the selected object to the back or bottom of the picture.

NOTE: This function may not work as expected with Enhanced Charts.


Define fade, foreground, background, and edge colors using a color palette.

Fill Style

Specify a fill style of one of the following:

  • Solid
  • Hollow
  • Horizontal
  • Vertical
  • Downward Diagonal
  • Upward Diagonal
  • Cross Hatch
  • Diagonal Cross Hatch
  • Gradient

Refer to the Coloring and Styling Objects section for further information on fill styles.

Edge Style

Specify an edge style of one of the following:

  • Solid – Applies a solid line style
  • Dash – Applies a dashed pen line style
  • Dot – Applies a dotted pen line style
  • Dash Dot – Applies a dash-dot combination line style
  • Dash Dot Dot – Applies a dash-dot-dot combination line style
  • No Edge – Specifies that the object contains no edge style
  • Inside Frame – Applies a solid line style inside the frame of the object

NOTE: If you set the edge width to greater than 1, it displays as Solid regardless of the selected edge style in the pop-up menu or the Shape Preferences tab on the User Preferences dialog box.

Background Style

Specify a background style of either opaque or transparent.

Fade Type

Specify a fade type of one of the following:

  • Linear – Applies a vertically linear fade type inside the frame of the object.
  • Reflected – Applies a horizontally reflected fade type inside the frame of the object.
  • Radial – Applies a radial fade type inside the frame of the object.
  • Concentric – Applies a concentric fade type inside the frame of the object.

Refer to the Coloring and Styling Objects section for further information on fade types.

Edit Script

Open the Visual Basic Editor, which allows you to edit Visual Basic scripts.


Open the Key Macro Editor, which allows you to add and edit key macros.

Property Window

Display the Properties Window, which allows you to view and change property values.

Elbow Style

Specify an elbow style for a pipe object. These styles include:

  • Round – Applies rounded edges to the bends in a pipe object.
  • Square – Applies squared edges to the bends in a pipe object.

Start Cap Style

Specify a start cap style for a pipe object. These styles include:

  • Round – Applies a rounded cap at the starting point of the pipe object.
  • Square – Applies a square cap at the starting point of the pipe object.
  • Horizontal Diagonal – Applies a horizontally diagonal cap at the starting point of the pipe object.
  • Vertical Diagonal – Applies a vertically diagonal cap at the starting point of the pipe object.

End Cap Style

Specify an end cap style for a pipe object. These styles include:

  • Round – Applies a rounded cap at the ending point of the pipe object.
  • Square – Applies a squared cap at the ending point of the pipe object.
  • Horizontal Diagonal – Applies a horizontally diagonal cap at the ending point of the pipe object.
  • Vertical Diagonal – Applies a vertically diagonal cap at the ending point of the pipe object.

Modify Pipe Characteristics

Open the Modify Pipe Characteristics dialog box, which allows you to edit the styles of pipe objects.

Edit CommandButton Object

Place a text cursor in the push button object to allow you to enter text.

Depending on the object you add, the pop-up menu may vary to include operations specific to that object. For example, if you add a chart, you can access the Chart Customization dialog box from the object pop-up menu.

Tag Status Pop-up Menu

When you associate database tags with an object, you can switch to the iFIX WorkSpace run-time environment to view and test the object's configuration. The run-time object provides a menu you can display by right-clicking the object. The options on the menu depend on the number of tags you associate with the object.

If you have associated tags with your objects, the following functions are available from the object pop-up menu in the run-time environment.

Run-time Object Pop-up Menu Commands

Use the operation...


Tag Status

Open the Tag Status picture of the tag associated with the selected object.

If multiple tags are associated with the selected object, open the Tag Status picture of the first associated tag, or open the Tag Control Panel picture, which lists the Tag Status pictures of all tags associated with the selected object.

Quick Trend

Open the Quick Trend picture of the tag(s) associated with the selected object(s). The Quick Trend picture displays up to eight pens when multiple tags are associated with the selected object(s).