Using the Create Picture Wizard

iFIX provides the Create Picture wizard to allow you to more easily step through some of the details inherent in creating pictures. Although the underlying picture properties are the same whether you create pictures manually or use the wizard, you can use the Create Picture wizard to easily generate pictures of a particular size, location, or configuration. You can access the Create Picture wizard by clicking the Create Picture button on the Toolbox.

The sections that follow describe the aspects of the Create Picture Wizard.

Special Considerations

It is recommended that you ensure the following characteristics are the same for both the machine on which you create the pictures and the machine on which you deploy the pictures:

  • Monitor resolution
  • Desktop Theme (especially for users who have a mixed Windows environment)
  • Font
  • WorkSpace Full Screen in Run Mode
  • UI configuration (Title bar height, window border size, status bar)
  • Environment Protection settings (title bar, menu bar)

After you have created a picture with the Create Picture Wizard, you will need to understand the concepts found in the following sections to resize, relocate, or change the attributes of the picture:

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