Defining Data Sources

Both the Basic and Advanced Animations dialog boxes group similar properties together into categories. In the Basic Animation dialog box, the Animation Experts are grouped by Color, Movement, Fill, Visibility, and Command. There is also an Additional section that allows you to configure all animations using the Advanced Animations dialog box.

In the Advanced Animations dialog box, each category is represented by a tab. You can select one or more properties from these tabs as needed. For example, suppose you want to horizontally fill a tank and change the foreground color simultaneously. To do this, you would select the HorizontalFillPercentage property on the Fill tab and the ForegroundColor property on the Color tab.

Regardless of whether you select one property or seventeen, you must connect to a data source for each property so that the necessary data can be retrieved and processed. The data source for one property can be completely different than that of another property. For more information about data sources, refer to the following topics: